Edição Atual

v. 45 (2025)
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Publicado: 2025-01-29

Artigos Originais

  • Technological and sensory feasibility of incorporating oregano essential oil-loaded nanoemulsions as antioxidants in chicken pâté

    Marília MORAES-LOVISON, Marluci GHIRALDI, Rodney Alexandre Ferreira RODRIGUES, Samantha Cristina de PINHO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00348
  • Probiotics-encapsulated soy beverage spheres: Functional and technological characteristics

    Joana de Barros ALEXANDRE, Luana Carvalho da SILVA, Rachel Menezes CASTELO, Gabrielle Albuquerque FREIRE, Tiago Linhares Cruz Tabosa BARROSO, Kelvi Wilson Evaristo MIRANDA, Laura Maria BRUNO, Roselayne Ferro FURTADO, Huai N. CHENG, Atanu BISWAS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00387
  • Chemical, nutritional, anti-nutritional, and technological profile of bacaba fractions (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.): Promising fruit from the Brazilian legal Amazon

    Vânia Maria ALVES, Katiúcia Alves AMORIM, Eduardo Ramirez ASQUIERI, Elias da Silva ARAÚJO, Adriana Regia Marques de SOUZA, Adriane Alexandre Machado MELO, Lídia Bicudo de Almeida MURADIM, Clarissa DAMIANI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00396
  • Drying kinetics and thermodynamic properties of peanut seeds (Arachis hypogaea L.)

    Geraldo Acácio MABASSO, Osvaldo RESENDE, Faruque Faruque AMADE, Valdiney Cambuy SIQUEIRA, Diene Gonçalves SOUZA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00405
  • Active film made from Psidium guajava peel and starch for use in food packaging

    Cleberyanne da Silva CARVALHO, Marcio Augusto Ribeiro SANCHES, Priscila DELALIBERA, Martha TUSSOLINI, Danilo Hiroshi KONDA, Paula Becker PERTUZATTI, Loyse TUSSOLINI
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00409
  • Effects of different dehydration methods on the color, nutritional, and functional characteristics of okara

    Bruna Méris Grigoleto da SILVEIRA, Rubén BERMEJO-POZA, Jesús de la Fuente VÁZQUEZ, Thiago Gentil RAMIRES, Elisa Helena Giglio PONSANO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00410
  • Viscosity of Apis mellifera honey from different floral origins

    Rafael Alves SANTOMAURO, Paula Santolin MANCUSO, Augusto Heitor Pedro de ALMEIDA, Camila Koutsodontis Cerqueira CÉZAR, Evelyn Fernanda Flores CARON, Aryele Nunes da Cruz Encide SAMPAIO, Fabio Sossai POSSEBON, Juliano Gonçalves PEREIRA, Otávio Augusto MARTINS
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00411
  • Physicochemical characteristics of goat “buchada” added with meat from discarded animals

    Roberto Germano COSTA, Jhonathas Guedes de OLIVEIRA, Solange SOUSA, Fábio Anderson Pereira da SILVA, Edvaldo Mesquita BELTRÃO FILHO, George Rodrigo Beltrão da CRUZ, Neila Lidiany RIBEIRO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00413
  • A novel chemometric approach for classifying whole fruit juices, reconstituted juices, and nectars

    Suelem KACZALA, Vanderlei Aparecido de LIMA, Maria Lurdes FELSNER
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00432

Artigos de Revisão

  • Bioactive compounds in pinhão and potential applications in dairy products: A review

    Matheus Sbruzzi FIEBIG, Cristiane Vieira HELM, Elane Schwinden PRUDENCIO
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00285
  • Use of agro-industrial waste from the processing of oilseeds and Amazonian fruits

    Vanessa Leal de Queiroz HERMINO, Edson Pablo SILVA, Ellen Rocha de ABREU, Daniel Nascimento MOTA, Siglia Maria NEVES, Vanderson Gabriel Souza TORRES; Flávio Augusto de FREITAS; Nei PEREIRA JÚNIOR
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00352

Revisão de Literatura

  • Kefir: a comprehensive overview of microbiological, physicochemical, and health-promoting properties

    Catarina Demarchi de OLIVEIRA; Aryele Nunes da Cruz Encide SAMPAIO, Camila Koutsodontis Cerqueira CÉZAR, Evelyn Fernanda Flores CARON, Otávio Augusto MARTINS, Fabio Sossai POSSEBON, Juliano Gonçalves PEREIRA
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00420
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