Optimization of herbal drink formulation based on aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis Miller) and java spices
Aloe barbadensis Miller, antioxidant capacity, herbal drink, java spicesAbstract
This research aimed to determine the optimum combination of aloe vera and Java spices’ herbal drink formulations. A Design Expert mixture D-optimal was used to analyze the optimal composite formulation. The optimum formula is determined through four stages, namely, the formula planning, formulation, analysis, and optimization stages. The selected formulation was determined based on the response to phenolics, flavonoids, antioxidant capacity tests, and pH. The formulations had pH values ranging from 4.452 to 4.636, the antioxidant capacity values ranged from 2.4796 to 12.5697 mg Ek vit C/100 g, the total phenolic content ranged from 0.0871 to 0.1883 mg GAE/g, and the total flavonoid content ranged from 0.1451 to 0.4210 mg QE/g. The most optimum response is obtained when the desirability value is close to one. The optimum formulation for aloe vera and Java spices herbal drinks consisted of 52.92% aloe vera, 11.58% ginger extract, 1.50% white turmeric extract, and 2.00% galangal extract. The formulation under investigation exhibits a pH of 4.502, an antioxidant capacity of 7.4638 mg ascorbic acid equivalent per 100 g, a total phenolic content of 0.1314 mg GAE/g, and a total flavonoid content of 0.3315 mg QE/g.
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