Bioactive compounds in pinhão and potential applications in dairy products: A review
bioactive compounds, pinhão, dairy productsAbstract
The pinhão seed of Araucaria angustifolia is a rich source of bioactive compounds with potential for various applications in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. This study addresses a wide range of research on the pinhão, including its chemical composition, nutritional and functional properties, processing methods, and potential biological effects. Chemical analyses have revealed the presence of essential nutrients such as proteins, lipids, fibers, and bioactive compounds like flavonoids, galactomannans, and lignans, providing the pinhão with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antinociceptive properties. Moreover, studies have shown the potential of pinhão as a source of edible oils and as an inhibitor of digestive enzymes, suggesting possible applications in diet and the treatment of metabolic disorders. Drying and extraction processes have been investigated to preserve its bioactive properties during industrial processing. The evaluation of the antimicrobial and anticancer activity of pinhão extracts has also been highlighted, revealing its potential as a therapeutic agent. In summary, this abstract synthesizes the importance of pinhão as a valuable source of bioactive compounds with potential benefits for human health and various industrial applications.
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