Physicochemical and microbiological quality of a fermented soybean beverage: effect of modified cassava starches




modified starch, physicochemical properties, syneresis, fermenting microorganisms, probiotics


Intensive heat treatments of fermented soybean beverages affect their quality, which can be prevented by using modified cassava starches. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of modified cassava starch on the quality properties of a fermented soybean beverage (pH, acidity, soluble solids, syneresis, and microbiological quality) by a sensory acceptance test. The soybean beverage fermentation was carried out using a commercial culture of starter microorganisms and probiotics. Three modified cassava starches were added to the samples: octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA), acetylated distarch adipate (ADA), cross-linked-substituted starch (mixed), and a native starch at 1% concentration. They were stored for 3 weeks at 4ºC. The analyses showed a decrease in pH and an increase in acidity due to post-fermentation processes. The syneresis showed significant differences concerning the sample with native starch, but not among the other treatments with modified starches. The microbiological quality was below the regulatory acceptance limit, and the CFU/mL of probiotics was higher than 106. The treatment with OSA and mixed starch had the highest general acceptance in the sensory test.


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ-RUIZ, J. D., RODRIGUEZ-SANDOVAL, E., HERNANDEZ, M. S., MELO-BRITO , N. B., & MEJÍA-VILLOTA, A. (2024). Physicochemical and microbiological quality of a fermented soybean beverage: effect of modified cassava starches. Food Science and Technology, 44.



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