Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of Uruguayan picual olive oil obtained from olives with different ripening indexes




olive oil, Picual, sensory, polyphenols, fatty acid


The sensory and physicochemical characteristics of olive oil will be mainly influenced by the agronomic conditions of the crop and harvest. Therefore, the results cannot be extrapolated from one region to another. On the contrary, the ripening index (RI) is a factor that can influence the quality of the oils obtained. Picual is one of the four most important olive varieties from Uruguay. This work studied how ripening influences the sensory and physicochemical characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil extracted from the Picual variety olives harvested in Uruguay. A total of 19 samples of olive oils extracted in the Abencor System pilot plant were analyzed. They were obtained from green, medium, and ripened olives from two different harvests (2021 and 2022). All the studied pastes were considered “difficult” due to a high moisture content of over 55%. This was reflected in the low yields of extraction which did not exceed 12.9%. All the oils obtained were characterized as extra virgin from a sensory and physicochemical point of view. Their content of total phenols and oleic acid allows defining Uruguayan Picual oils as “high in total phenols” and “high in oleic acid,” respectively. They were sensory characterized as oils with fruity medium, bitter medium, and pungent medium and green, tomato, banana, and dry fruit aromatic notes. When olives increased ripening, the fruity, bitter, and pungent of the oils and phenol and oleic contents and the oleic/linoleic ratio decreased, and the yield was not modified. This is what makes the Uruguayan olive oil of the Picual variety ideal to be harvested with low RIs.  


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How to Cite

ELLIS, A. C., VIEITEZ, I., & GÁMBARO, A. (2024). Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of Uruguayan picual olive oil obtained from olives with different ripening indexes. Food Science and Technology, 44.



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