Effect of white lion goose serum on gastric cancer cells





White Lion Goose serum, gastric cancer cells, the apoptosis, the migration


Goose blood is rich in nutrients and a variety of bioactive ingredients, it have the effect of prevent cancer in humans, but the mechanism is not clear. So, we studied the effects of White Lion Goose serum on gastric cancer cells. The in vitro cell proliferation of human gastric cancer cells (AGS) was analyzed by a CCK-8 assay; cell morphology was observed using an inverted microscope; the wound healing ability of cells was detected by a scratch and abrasion test; and cell cycle distribution and cell apoptosis were detected by flow cytometry. The results showed that with increased concentration and prolonged incubation time, the serum of White Lion Goose reduced the viability, changed the morphology, and reduced the migration rate of gastric cancer cells. The proportion of gastric cancer cells in the early (G0/G1 phase) and late (G2/M phase) stages of DNA synthesis was decreased, the proportion of cells in stationary phase (S phase) was increased, and the apoptosis rate was increased accompanied by a decrease in the number of viable cells. The serum of White Lion Goose had a significant inhibitory effect on the proliferation of human gastric cancer cells, changed the distribution of the cell cycle and induced apoptosis in both a dose- and time-dependent manner. The results showed that the blood of the White Lion Goose contained highly bioactive components, which had an obvious inhibitory effect on the proliferation of gastric cancer cells cultured in vitro.


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Como Citar

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