Physical, physicochemical, and functional technological properties of flour produced from gueroba fruit pulp




Syagrus oleracea Becc., dehydration, fruit, residue


The Cerrado biome has a variety of fruit species less explored, such as gueroba. Flour is obtained by dehydration processes and is an alternative in the food industry for utilizing by-products. The objective of this study was to analyze the physical, physicochemical, and functional technological characteristics of flours from gueroba (Syagrus oleracea Becc.) fruit pulp produced by oven drying at different temperatures (40, 50, 60, and 70°C) and by lyophilization. The flour produced by lyophilization of gueroba fruit pulp showed a lighter color. According to the results obtained for the parameter L, it can be suggested that the increase in the temperature used for drying gueroba fruit pulp does not tend to promote browning of the product, the greater amount of soluble solids, higher water absorption index, and lower solubility in milk, lower emulsifying activity, and greater foaming activity. All flours showed pH values between 6.11 and 6.22. Also, the ash contents of the FEG40, FEG50, FEG60, FEG70, and FEGL samples did not differ between treatments, showing mean values of 5.67, 5.39, 5.73, 4.86, and 5.85 g 100 g–1, respectively.


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Como Citar

JORGE, A. P. P., OLIVEIRA, D. E. C. de, FERREIRA JUNIOR, W. N., SILVA, L. C. de M., RESENDE , O., & ROMANI, V. P. (2023). Physical, physicochemical, and functional technological properties of flour produced from gueroba fruit pulp. Food Science and Technology, 43.



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