Drying kinetics and thermodynamic properties of jabuticaba peel





activation energy, mathematical modeling, Myrciaria cauliflora, page template


Jabuticaba is a fruit of high nutritional value, and the peel, which is usually discarded, contains nutrients in greater concentration. An alternative for the use of jabuticaba bark is the preparation of flour. The aim of this research was to analyze the drying kinetics of jabuticaba bark by adjusting mathematical models and determining the effective diffusion coefficient, activation energy, and thermodynamic properties at different drying temperatures. The jaboticaba residues were dried in a forced ventilation oven at different temperatures of 45, 55, 65, and 75°C. Among the various models analyzed, Page was employed to streamline the drying phenomenon. The research observed that effective diffusion coefficient decreased with increasing temperature, and the activation energy for the liquid diffusion on drying was 32.63 kJ mol-1. Furthermore, enthalpy and entropy decreased with increasing drying temperature, while Gibbs’ free energy increased with increasing drying temperature.



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Como Citar

SOUZA, D. G., SILVA, L. C. de M., SILVA, E. C. N. M. da, MESQUITA, A. A., CALIARI, M., PLÁCIDO, G. R., FERNANDES, P. B., OLIVEIRA, D. E. C. de, RESENDE, O., & SILVA, M. A. da. (2024). Drying kinetics and thermodynamic properties of jabuticaba peel. Food Science and Technology, 44. https://doi.org/10.5327/fst.00255



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