Biochemical compounds and structure evaluation of cocoa liquors from different origins and their derivative chocolates
biocompounds, rheology, thermal analysis, texture, nutritionResumo
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) varieties have distinct characteristics that interfere with the quality of the chocolate produced. Cocoa liquors from Brazil and Peru were analyzed for bioactive compounds and physicochemical values, and dark chocolates were produced, evaluating their physical and physicochemical properties. Brazilian organic liquor showed higher phenolic content (4,403.63 mg GAE/100 g sample) and antioxidant activity (143.56 µg Trolox equivalent/g sample). Peruvian liquor cocoa butter has more palmitic acid (29.30%) and less stearic acid (32.92%), in the lower limit to oleic acid (32.92%) and the upper limit to linoleic acid (3.73%), and showed a higher content of saturated fatty acids (63.35%) and a lower content of monounsaturated acids (32.92%). Cocoa butter from organic liquor presented lower content of palmitic acid (24.01%), average stearic (34.71%) and oleic acids (35.81%), and higher content of linoleic acid (4.32%) and polyunsaturated acids (4.32%). Peruvian liquor showed higher melting point. Brazilian alkalized, organic liquors, and chocolates melting points showed no statistical difference (p > 0.05). The caramelization and carbonization points of all liquors did not show statistical differences (p > 0.05), as well as the caramelization point of all chocolates. The carbonization point was different (p < 0.05) for all chocolates. The chocolates were stable in terms of structure during storage, demonstrating the suitability for industrial production.
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